- Add field "currentBlock" on GET Deposit History and GET Deposit Detail API to indicate current confirmed block number for on-chain deposits.
- A Node.js SDK is available on github.
- Deposit Functionality Update: The Deposit Detail V1 API has been discontinued. Please use the upgraded Deposit Detail V2 API for new features and improvements.
- A Postman collection of apis is available on github.
- Sub-wallets with auto-collection enabled do not support transfers. If you wish to perform transfers, please disable the auto-collection feature first. Endpoint: /open-api/v1/subwallet/transfer
- Remove field "encoded" from webhook response data
- Update error codes
- Support querying deposit detail by orderViewId
- Update to Workspace API:
- Generated API Keys will only be able to perform get/post requests for the specific Workspace.
- Update webhook response data format
- New Endpoint: Transaction History List
- Added a new endpoint to get transaction History
- Endpoint: /open-api/v1/wallet/transaction/history
- Co-sign Wallet Withdrawal Support
- OpenAPI now supports withdrawals using Co-sign Wallets.
- Endpoint: /open-api/v2/wallet/withdrawal
- New Endpoint: Co-sign Wallet Supported Coins List
- Added a new endpoint to get a list of coins supported by Co-sign Wallets.
- Endpoint: /open-api/v1/wallet/cosign/coin
- Expanded Support for Co-sign Wallet in OpenAPI
- All OpenAPI functionalities supported by Qualified Wallets are now available for Co-sign Wallets, except for wallet creation.
- OpenAPI Deposit Blocks Information Update
- Updated deposit blocks information in OpenAPI.
- Endpoints:
- /open-api/v1/wallet/deposit/history
- /open-api/v2/wallet/deposit/detail
- Updated Fields: confirmedBlockCount, unlockConfirm, maxConfirmBlock
Ceffu OpenAPI Upgrade Notice: For detailed information on the latest upgrades, please refer to the Ceffu OpenAPI upgrade documentation.
Deposit Functionality Update: The Deposit feature has been upgraded to version 2. Check out the new capabilities and enhancements here: Upgrade Deposit (V2).
Archiving Older Versions: We've moved Deposit (V1), Withdraw (V1), and Get Sub-Wallet List (V1) functionalities to our archive section for reference. We strongly encourage our clients to expedite their migration to the newer versions, as we may retire these V1 versions in the future.
Discontinuing Previous Services: Please note that Mirror1.0 and the Binance Transfer services have been sunsetted and are no longer available.
- Added Webhook Endpoints, which enables you to set up endpoint URLs to monitor notifications related to events that occur on the platform.
- We will sunset the previous domain; please use and update to this one:
- For Prime Wallet withdrawal and deposit, we only credit 8 digits; any less than that will be lost.
- Please note the request times limitation: every ID can’t request more than 30 times every second and no more than 7000 times per 5 minut
- Added Wallet and Suballet asset Summary endpoints to enable users to query aggregated Asset Summary in BTC and USD equivalent value.
- Added Wallet Asset Summary
- Added Subwallet Asset Summary
- Added Check MirrorX Available amount endpoints before placing MirrorX Orders
- Added Check MirrorX Available amount
- Introduced MirrorX services via OpenAPI, allowing clients to seamlessly integrate MirrorX features into their systems.
- Added Get MirrorX LinkId List
- Added Get MirrorX Delegation Orders
- Added MirrorX Asset Positions
- Added Place MirrorX Orders
- Added Mirror endpoints to enable users to initiate Mirror Operations via OpenAPI.
- Added Get Mirror Linked Binance UID List
- Added Mirrored Assets Application
- Added Mirrored Assets Settlement
- Fixed Mirror status mapping issues
- Added support for 'toWalletId' as an alternative to 'withdrawalAddress' in input parameters for withdrawal v2 endpoints.
- Introduced sub-wallets Transfer Detail endpoints for querying specific transfer orders.
- Updated Get Qualified Wallet and Get Prime Wallet Coin List endpoints to return real number format.
- Update Create Wallet Endpoints to return WalletIdStr in Response
- Enhanced Get Deposit History Endpoints' status to cover both Processing and Failed transactions.
- Added new Query Sub Wallet Deposit History by Prime Wallets endpoint under Sub-Wallet endpoints
- Added createTime output param on Get Transfer History between Sub Wallet and Prime Wallet endpoint.
- Added createTime output param on Get Transfer Detail with Exchange endpoint.
- Added createTime output param on Get Transfer History with Exchange endpoint.
NOTES: New createTime will be available on 6Apr
Added Mirror endpoints to allow user query mirror asset positions.
- Added Get Mirrored Asset Positions
- Added Get Mirrored Asset Summary
Updated below endpoints's response to include requestId
- Modified Get Withdrawal History (version 2) endpoint
- Modified Get Transfer History with Exchange endpoint
- Modified Get Transfer History between Sub Wallet and Prime Wallet endpoint
Updated below endpoints to allow requestId as input parameter
- Modified Get Withdrawal Detail (version 2) endpoint
- Modified Get Transfer Detail with Exchange endpoint
- Updated transaction status of transfer with exchange API endpoint to align with other transaction type.
Status: 10: Pending; 20: Processing; 30: Send success; 40: Confirmed; 99: Failed
- Added a group of withdrawal endpoints to standardise the network fee deduction mechanism for both Qualified wallet and Prime wallet.
- Added Withdrawal (v2) Endpoint
- Added Get Withdrawal History (v2) Endpoint
- Added Get Withdrawal Detail (v2) Endpoint
IMPORTANT NOTES: The amount field in Withdrawal (v2) endpoint means withdrawal amount excluded network fee in v2, that is exact amount receiver will receive. Please use
Get Withdrawal History v2
andGet Withdrawal Detail (v2)
together withWithdrawal (v2)
- Added Mirror Operation Records Endpoints
- Added Get Withdrawal Fee Endpoint
- allows to get estimated withdrawal fee by providing walletId, coinSymbol, network and withdrawal amount
GET /open-api/v1/wallet/withdrawal/fee
- allows to get estimated withdrawal fee by providing walletId, coinSymbol, network and withdrawal amount
- Added Update Wallet Details Endpoint
- allows to update wallet attributes
POST /open-api/v1/wallet/updateWallet
- allows to update wallet attributes
- Added Update Sub wallet Details Endpoint
- allows to update sub wallet attributes
POST /open-api/v1/subwallet/updateSubWallet
- allows to update sub wallet attributes
- Added Get Sub Wallet List (v2) Endpoint
- allows to get sub wallet details list of the requested prime wallet
GET /open-api/v2/subwallet/list
- allows to get sub wallet details list of the requested prime wallet
Modified Transaction Objects,
- New field maxConfirmedBlock added;
- New field unlockConfirm added;
Affected endpoints:
GET /open-api/v1/wallet/deposit/detail
GET /open-api/v1/wallet/deposit/history
GET /open-api/v1/wallet/withdrawal/detail
GET /open-api/v1/wallet/withdrawal/history
GET /open-api/v1/subwallet/deposit/history
Added New field addressRegex
- addressRegex for validating Wallet Address (For reference only)
Affected endpoints:
GET /open-api/v1/wallet/shared/coin
GET /open-api/v1/wallet/qualified/coin
- addressRegex for validating Wallet Address (For reference only)
- Added Get Wallet List Endpoint
- allows to get all parent wallet ID of the institution including both Qualified Wallets and Prime Wallets. [Not include the underlying sub wallet]
GET /open-api/v1/wallet/list
- allows to get all parent wallet ID of the institution including both Qualified Wallets and Prime Wallets. [Not include the underlying sub wallet]